Tuesday, September 2

A Little Uncomfortable

Not sure what it is about but I am feeling kind of shy talking about the wedding. I know, its a freakin miracle that Maria Chan is at lost for words. I haven't really figured out why or what I am feeling these days. I am thrilled to be marrying my better half but something feels strange talking about the wedding. Part of me feels a little embarrassed, hell maybe its something weird genetic Chinese thing where I feel like I am imposing my will on someone else. I will have to sit on the toilet and think about this dilemma.

I am pretty stoked to be taking engagement pictures this Sunday. I am not sure why people take them, but its one of those go with the flow moments. I know, I should probably be a little more reflective but hey when does a girl get to pretend she is a model. Well I wonder what type of model I could be: super, runway, catalog, import car? hahahaha I don't want to know the answer.

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The Intrigue
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