Imagine seeing over 50 houses and only seeing six that is actually livable. Well that is the real estate market in LA. So here is the ball and chain: my new home. Not wanting to jinx the possibility of falling out of escrow, much like the home we just purchased, we have kept it low key. Yup not only do we now live together in sin, we are going to co habitat with a mortgage in sin. While mentioning this new stage in our lives to family and friends, one reoccurring question came up like a pesky bad breath. " So when are you getting married?" What is with marriage and the ability to calm millions of mothers about the futures of their children? I am trying to figure out if this is the one magic elixir that is going to cure all the issues in my life? Work conflicts, weight, money, commitment, will all magically self destruct. Really married folks, if I am already living in sin, why does buying a house together signify that marriage is the logical next step. Sometimes I wonder if my married friends are trying to lure me into that cult. You know, something about the more the merrier or suffering together is more tolerable?